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The Langie photo gallery


Langie members can now share photos using Flickr at


To post your photos on the gallery you need to be a member of 'The Langie Gallery' group.


To join simply

  • follow the link above,

  • click on 'Join Group',

  • create a (Yahoo) username and password (if you don't already have one),

  • add a note in your application to say who you are,

  • await approval from the Langie webmaster.


  • upload photos to your own Flickr account (just like uploading to a photo printing site),

  • add the tags and title (see below),

  • make sure viewing for each photo is set to public,

  • choose to share them with 'The Langie Gallery'.

All photos will be checked by the webmaster before they appear on the gallery.


Joining and posting approvals may take a few days as the webmaster won't be checking the account daily. For a quicker response please email to tell us you have applied.


Flickr does not allow the organisation of photos into albums within a Flickr Group (it does allow this for private individuals). Instead, tags are used to enable specific selections of photos to be brought together.  All photos should therefore ideally be tagged according to the Langie Flickr tagging guidelines, to enable members to search for particular events, places or dates.


Photos should also be given a title - which is what appears when hovering the cursor over a photo.


The easiest way to add tags and titles is to select 'organise' from the drop-down menu under 'you', and then select 'titles, tags, descriptions' from the drop-down menu under 'edit photos'.


If there are children in your photos please get parents approval before posting.


If anyone wants a photo removed from the gallery, please email the


If you need help in using the gallery please email Inma via, and she will be happy to talk you through it.

© 2023 Langside Mountaineering Club. 

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